Play Doh

I never had Play Doh growing up.  I don't feel like I missed anything but I know I didn't have it.  My kids never showed much interest in until last Fall.  D asked if we could get some and I said sure.  For a while it was an outside only toy.  Then I found some old place mats and decided we could use it on the kitchen table. 

She asked yesterday to play with it and I said okay.  S was napping so I didn't have to worry about him eating it or putting it in his hair.  Both of which would have happened.  We played for about an hour.  D was very creative making things and I enjoyed just being with her.  And of course squishing my fingers in the gooey stuff.

Maybe next week we'll attempt to make out own play dough?!?!

Making a dress for the princess in the window

Oh the MESS! 
D made this ... she says it's her!


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