Playing with Light

For the last 2 weeks my photography class has focused on playing with light to create different effects.  I'm LOVING doing this, even if the results are only so-so at this point.  I'm learning sooooo much great info.  But all of the new knowledge sometimes jumbles up in head and I forget what I need to do to get the effect I want.  I know I just need more practice. 

1.  Low light photos (without a flash) - higher ISO, wide open aperture (low f/stop), and shutter speed at least 50 if holding the camera
I took these using the light from candles on the cupcake B is holding.

2.  Sun flare - ISO low, closed aperture (f/11 or larger), shutter speed 1/250 or higher
I used spot metering to expose for the trees and then for D's face.

3.  Backlit or Silhouette - ISO low, mid aperture (f/8), shutter speed what works
I used my gray card to set the exposure based on D's cheek.

This time, I set the exposure based on the light beside D's head.  I used spot metering but should have changed and used evaluative.  I'll have to try again and see what happens.
Here's a better silhouette of B.

I'm excited to keep practicing these techniques over the summer when we're outside.  


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