What a Day ... Or 3!

D and S don't get sick often.  But when they do ... WATCH OUT!  S has hand, foot, and mouth disease.  It started Saturday with a runny nose and low grade fever.  Then Sunday he woke up with a nasty, bumpy red rash that spread up and down the back of his legs.  By that evening he was miserable with itchy, burning bumps in his mouth, legs, and elbows.  The doctor confirmed the diagnosis but there's nothing you can do to heal it.  It has to run it's course - 7 days or so!  Then yesterday D woke up with a fever and progressively felt worse. By the time we went to the doctor (to check on S) she was achy and running a 102 fever.  She has what is "probably" viral tonsillitis but could be what S has.  Now we wait to see.

Thankfully both kids are feeling somewhat better today.  The problem is they both want mommy when they feel terrible so it's been rough!  Here's a peek at what we did today.

Woke up looking pathetic!

Plan for the day ... movies

The medicine counter

Feeling a little better by late morning so time to dot paint.

We had to get out of the house so we got lunch from Chik-fil-A and McDonalds.

Playing Uno Moo

Fun manicure for mommy and pedicure for D

Day's done and time for bed!  Lot's of time with the Kindle and iPod today.


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