Christmas Countdown Week Review

We had another fun week of Christmas countdown activities ...

December 8 - Pom-pom tree painting

The kids had way more fun with this than I expected!

December 9 - Footprint Christmas trees
These came out looking very strange.  They don't really look like trees ... more like feet on a stick!

December 10 - Q-tip snowflakes
Another fun craft!  D made a complicated snowflake where she punted out the pattern was ABCBD.

December 11 - Paper plate wreaths
A traditional craft that I remember doing in elementary school!

December 12 - Roll-a-snowman
We played this quickly before school and had fun.  D said she can't wait to play again!

December 13 - Christmas Party
Nana and Pop-Pop invited us to their community's Christmas Party held for grandkids.

December 14 - Gingerbread People
Do these gingerbread people look familiar?

Project 52, Week 25 - Joy


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