
Showing posts from January, 2015

Projects 52 and 365

Project 52, Week 32 - Natural Light Project 365, Days 25-31 Day 25 - Resolve I resolve to keep my kids love of reading alive! Day 26 - Move Day 27 - Nourishing Day 28 - Play Day 29 - Tethered Day 30 - Commitment Day 31 - One Done One birthday party done ... the next in 2 weeks!

Happy 6th Birthday Big Girl

Yesterday was D's 6th birthday!   In the blink of an eye she went from ... To ... We started the day off with donuts, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa.  Then opened a gift from B and I, one from S, and one from Aunt L and family. Since it was a Thursday (my volunteer day), I got to spend the day with her at school.  It was great to be able to spend her birthday beside her! She even made it to the next round of the Kindergarten spelling bee!  She spelled tag and dime. We took cupcakes to school to celebrate and her class sang to her. At home we played the new "Tell Tale, Disney Princesses" story telling game she got from Aunt L, Uncle E, E, and R.  It's a cute game where you choose some cards (all with Disney Princess story elements) then tell your own story with the things on the cards.  D did great!  I had a hard time coming up with good stories though. When Daddy got home she opened the rest of her gifts and w...

Homework Time

D has weekly homework she has to do.  Sometimes it's writing about a book she's read or something we've done as a family.  Sometimes it's creating patterns or telling what number is one more or less.  This week it's cutting out groundhogs and matching them to their shadows. Who know homework could cause so many different faces? Happy ...   Concentration ... HMMMMM... Hidden but working hard ...


Last year we got buried with snow through the winter months.  The kids, especially D, were in heaven.  They played outside, went sledding, had snowball fights, and built snowmen.   This year we haven't had any snow to do anything with!  We had a an inch a couple of weeks ago that you could brush away with a broom. Yesterday they were calling for a couple of inches of snow.  We did wake up to snow and no school.  But again it was not even an inch and the grass was sticking through.  There wasn't enough to sled or build anything.  To make matters worse, it had rained all day Sunday before the snow began.  So under the snow was an icy goo that melted when stepped on.  But of course the kids wanted to play so out we went for a very short time! When we came back in (wet and covered in mud) we had a relaxing afternoon playing with Magna Tiles and watching movies.

Projects 52 and 365

Project 52, Week 31 - Bokeh Project 365, Days 18-24 Day 18 - Balance Day 19 - Space Day 20 - Trio Day 21 - Meal or Play Day 22 - Color Blocking Day 23 - Third Day 24 - Who and What

For Now

Yesterday was the last day of "Lens Mama."  Throughout the class I had to slow down to capture the moments of our everyday life.  I had to find beauty in the mess, focus on the details, get into the photos myself, and many other things.  But none of the the lessons was as meaningful to me as this last one entitled "For Now."  It reminded me that nothing, the good and the bad, is forever.  What's happening today will be different tomorrow, next week, next year.  This is something I'm trying to remember each day.  As I tuck D into bed at night I remind her that tomorrow is a new start, and I try to remind myself of the same as I go to bed. I often find myself often rushing through the days then get to an event and wonder how my kids got so big. When did my daughter become a school-aged child? When did my son leave babyhood and become an almost preschooler? I chose to take up photography as a hobby in order to capture the memories and ev...

The Story of Our Mornings

It's no secret I am NOT a morning person.  Unfortunately neither are D and S.  You can imagine the kinds of mornings we have somedays ... it's not pretty!   Recently S has insisted on trying to put on his own shoes and socks.  I know this is a step towards his independence and something he needs to learn to do.  But no matter how much I plan and start the get ready process this task TAKES FOREVER!  So most mornings I end up doing it, which results in many tears and general unhappiness as we head to the bus stop. This morning (thanks to the lesson from Lens Mama) I decided to let S do the shoes and socks himself and take photos while doing it.  This removed me from getting involved, and therefore getting upset.  The result was shoes and socks on in record time and a HAPPY almost 3 year old heading out the door.

Get in the Photo

I don't mind being in a photograph!  I know that's not true for most people, but it is for me.  The problem is, I'm usually the one taking the pictures.  Because of that I appear in very few of them.  I have a tripod and 2 different types of remotes.  But most days I don't take the time to get them out.  This year I'm trying to change that and get into the pictures more!

The Big Picture

Today's photo assignment was the opposite of yesterday ... see the big picture!  Instead of zooming in and getting close, I stood back and caught the whole picture.  These are pictures of what I'm grateful for! Family, warm house, and playing together as a family!  I couldn't ask for more in my life!