Chuck the Tumblin' Truck

One of S's favorite toys right now is Chuck the Tumblin' Truck.  My parents got it for him for Christmas.  You push on his light and he tumbles, exercises, tells you to push him, and plays music.  

S thinks it's the greatest thing to push him around the loop of our house.  He goes down the hall, through the kitchen, into the dining room, out the toy room, and back to the hall.  All the while S is laughing, running, and falling down.  Chuck plays faster music as he gets pushed around.  This makes S laugh and laugh.

I was able to catch some photos of the fun this afternoon.  I especially like when Chuck went under the kitchen table.  S wasn't quite sure what to do but quickly figured it out.

Here we go!

Uh-Oh ... crash 
Made the turn a little fast ... Chuck's on 2 wheels

Now what?

Escape under the chair


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