Not on the Floor ...

Seems like a say "No, not on the floor!" at least a thousand times a day.  Most of these comments are directed to S. One of his favorite activities is to dump baskets of toys on the floor then walk away.  He doesn't play with them, just dumps them and leaves.  He has an amazingly long reach and grabs at things everywhere.  Items you want left on tables and counters must be strategically placed in the middle, out of his reach.  I forgot this yesterday while I got out tissue paper squares for a craft with D.  I put the box (of thousands) of squares too close to the edge of the table and walked away to help D.  When I came back the box and ALL of the squares were on the floor.  Fun times picking those up!

Here's an example of just a few times I said repeated "No ... not on the floor!"

B's X-Box controllers after I picked them up

Blueberry Bread 
The joy of dropping yogurt bites to hear them hit the floor

Yogurt Bites 
Tissue paper squares

More tissue paper squares

Playroom toy boxes ... dumped and abandoned


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