Catching the sun

D asked to make a leaf suncatcher the other day.  To make this I cut out an outline of leaves and stuck on some contact paper.  She then covered the contact paper with squares of fall colored tissue paper.  We added another piece of contact paper and voila ... leaf suncatchers to hang on our dining room window.  I LOVE this craft - it's easy, creative, and not messy!

Usually when D and I craft S comes over and wants to know what we're doing.  D will tell him, he'll sit with me for a second and off he goes to get another toy to play with beside us.  Not on this day though!  He climbed up on the dining room chair, pointed to one of the leaves and said "MINE!"  So we included him in the craft. 

My heart melted to see the two of them together making these simple crafts!  D showed him what to do, helped him untangle tissue paper, and repeatedly told him how "Amazing" his suncatcher was!


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