Growth of Me

I had to take a field trip for my photography class this week.  The purpose was to go someplace you've wanted to go and not be afraid to take pictures while there.  I thought about all of the places (within 30 miles) I wanted to go ... parks, zoos, museums ... and decided these weren't feasible with kids right now.  Then I remembered D had her field trip to the pumpkin patch and realized this would be the perfect place to do my assignment.  So I packed up the kids (and my mom) with the camera and we headed off.  I took 120 pictures while we were there.  Most of them even came out well!  I didn't feel silly bending down or getting in strange positions to get my shots.  I felt free and happy to catch the kids playing.  I knew I would share the pictures with B and he'd feel like he was there.

For editing we learned about the differences in editing for portraits of people and landscapes.  I didn't get any good closeup shots of the kids to do the portrait edits.  That's planned for today's Halloween shoot though.  So I chose photos that included a lot of color landscaping to boost the colors on.  I really enjoyed doing this!!  In the craziness of Halloween parties, trick or treating, and general life editing these helped me slow down and take time for me.

More photos from the trip are to come!


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