Christmas Eve

Our last Advent activity was celebrate Christmas Eve and get ready for Santa's visit.

We decided to do gifts with my parents (just for the kids) on Christmas Eve this year.  We went the easy route and had sandwiches to eat after gifts.  Then they hung around a bit to play with the kids.  It gave us time to spend with just them before we do the bigger Christmas celebrations with B's family over the next week.  As usual the kids had a blast and D was beyond excited to get the Lego Dolphin Cruiser she's been longing for.  She opened gifts so fast I didn't get any pictures.  Here are a few of S doing his though.

After Grandma and Grandpa left it was time to get ready for Santa.

Blow out the Advent candle to be sure it's Christmas Eve.  (We actually burned it this year unlike most.)

Take the final chocolate out of the calendar.

Put Santa in the last calendar.

The most important things ... spread reindeer food outside and gets cookies for Santa.

Now off to bed in new pajamas!  I don't want to know what these two are plotting!



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