A to Z Summer Fun; The Final Week
I can't believe we just finished our last week of summer break. It's amazing, and a little sad, how fast it flew by! We've had a great time though. This week we finished our last 2 letters - C and Z. Z - Zoo ... Okay, we didn't actually go to the zoo. Instead we went to the Leesburg Animal Park which has some zoo animals. We saw tortoises, lemurs, farm animals, ducks, camels, and zebras. There was a wagon ride and the chance to feed some animals. The kids got to run around and play on several play sets. They loved it but D said she wished we'd go to the "real" zoo. So we've promised her a trip to the nearby zoo this fall. Z - Zoom Around ... We took an opportunity to ride our bikes during the beautiful weather of the week. C - Cupcakes ... We made and ate vanilla cupcakes! They were for our Labor Day picnic and enjoyed by everyone there. C - Cousins ... The kids got a chance to play w...