A to Z Summer Fun

We're getting low on letters to pick.  Not to mention there are a couple I need the kids to pick the week before school starts.  So this week they chose A and N.

A - Art ... We do a lot of art projects and coloring here each week so this one was pretty easy.  We got out the dot painters one day and lots of pictures were colored with crayons.  I also had D make a beach picture using construction paper, crayons (only the ones in a bag), stickers, and water colors.  She enjoyed the challenge and made a great picture of our family!

N - New Place ... Our new place this week was the sunflower farm!

New Fun - The slip n slide at Grandma and Grandpa's house was new fun!  The kids actually used it like it's meant to be used.  Last year D made Grandpa push her slowly down on a boogie board.  S wanted nothing to do with it.  This summer ... a whole new fun activity!


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