Slice of Life Week 4
I really enjoyed this week's assignment for Slice of Life. I've enjoyed all of them but this one really called to me for some reason. The theme was "people in our lives." That was easy ... my family! They're the most important people around me and I see them everyday. That part makes them easy subjects. The focus was "faceless portraits." That's the part that made this week so much fun. I didn't have to worry about the goofy faces 5.5 and 2.5 year old children tend to make as they "pose" for the camera. Even when I'm doing candid shots they always manage to catch on and end the natural expressions. But this week I aimed the camera at their hands and feet instead of the camera (at least at the beginning). It's interesting how you can still feel the emotion and see what's going on even without seeing their faces!
Toward the end of the week we were encouraged to try our luck with some portraits including faces. I managed to sneak in a couple where the kids weren't making the typical goofy faces. I talked to them and interacted while snapping. This was a great tip offered in the class!!
S was so proud he'd put his socks on himself ... upside and inside out!
We've been practicing correct pencil grip with D. You can see she has it here but you can also see her scrunched shoulders as she tries to keep it up.
S was having "fish tea" in his spoon. I love his little smile in the background. You can see the relaxed nature of his hand on the spoon too.
Working so hard to twist the lid closed.
Toward the end of the week we were encouraged to try our luck with some portraits including faces. I managed to sneak in a couple where the kids weren't making the typical goofy faces. I talked to them and interacted while snapping. This was a great tip offered in the class!!
S (and D and B) sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating!
You've capture some beautiful moments of your beautiful children! Great job!