Project 52 and November Gratitudes

Project 52, Week 22 - Thanks

November Gratitudes

November 16 
Making crafts with the kids ... even when they are messy!

November 17
D FINALLY graduating Level 4 of swimming.  A lot of dedication came from her and her coaches to achieve.  She got discouraged but they helped her through and after 15 months her hard work paid off!

November 18 
Reading and volunteering in D's Kindergarten class

November 19 
The beauty of nature

November 20 
Quiet evenings at home with no plans and everyone enjoying being together

November 21 
The many teachers I know and have worked with.  They give everything to inspire their students each and every day!

November 22
Time to find fun activities to do with the kids
(The bottom turkeys are the final product of our Fun Friday art activity.)


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