
Mornings are challenging around our house.  I am not a morning person!  D is not a morning person! S is not a morning person!  We have a ton to do and it doesn't take much for somebody to lose their cool.  Some mornings are better than others.  Here's a peak at what we manage to get done each day before school.

Playing - S gets dressed by himself and comes down to play while D takes a bit of time to play in her room alone to wake up.

Breakfast - S is not a fan of breakfast!  Even when I ask him what he wants he always changes his mind to what D or I am eating.

Toothbrushing - This is not usually an issue ... except for the kids fighting over who goes first.

Headed out the door - Right now that includes shoes, backpack, and light jacket.  As the weather cools down we have gloves, hats, and heavy coats to put on.


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