Off to the Park

Yesterday I was telling B I had no idea where to go today for "Where to Wednesday."  We're expecting the pest control company at 4:00 so wherever we went had to be close by.  He suggested a picnic lunch and playing a local state park.  A local state park that is 5 minutes from our house!  A local state park I hadn't even thought of!  

At 9:30 this morning I packed a picnic lunch of PB&Js, cheese sticks, grapes, fruit snacks, and juice boxes.  Then I lathered the kids with sunscreen and sprayed them with bugspray.  We left the house at 10 and arrived at the parking lot at 10:15.

First we played on the playground.  Unfortunately we had some terrible storms last night so there was a lot of mud and puddles on the slides.  That didn't slow the kids down though!

Then we went to find some wildlife.  We saw a deer and turtles.  We kept hearing a bullfrog but never could find where it was hiding.

We found a nice shaded area for our picnic.  I even remembered to bring an old shower curtain to si on!

When lunch was done we walked down by the river.  You're not supposed to swim but the kids did wade in the water, through sticks, and find shells.  When we left they were 2 sand covered, tired, happy kiddos!


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