Today was D's last day of preschool for the year. (And my wonderful husband's birthday!) She LOVES school and had the most wonderful, patient, and caring teachers. She has learned so many things this year - academic and social. I can't believe my baby girl is growing up so quickly. Here are some of things she learned and practiced in school this year ...
- Count to at least 50, probably higher
- Recognize numbers to 20 and write up to 10
- Write her name and read it in any situation
- Recognize all of the letters and most of the sounds (SHE informed me she wants to learn to read this summer ... we'll see how that goes)
- Cut straight lines and working on curves
- Recognize shapes and draw many of them (Proud teacher moment was when she informed her teacher that the shape on the wall should be labeled rhombus, not diamond.)
- Getting along with others by sharing, taking turns, and listening
- So many other things I can't think of right now
D amazes me everyday at the things she does and says. She is a sponge for knowledge and remembers everything she hears and does. I can't wait to see what is in store for her next year in her Pre-K 5 mornings a week program. Until then I have an awesome, fun-filled summer to look forward to!
First Day of Preschool |
Last Day of Preschool |
From a photography standpoint these are NOT the best pictures. But they capture the 2 events and give me something to remember. When the first (and last) day of school rolls around again I will definitely choose better lighting for the pictures :)
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