One on One Time

One of the hardest things about having 2 kids is spending one-on-one time with them.  I try my best to give each their own time during the week.  The last few weeks have been some tough ones on this front.  I know the summer will be difficult for dedicated time with S.  But I also know he will get time when D starts school again in the Fall.

Today D and I had some fun time together while S napped.  It was important for both of us since S is sick and very much a mommy's boy when he doesn't feel good.  This makes it hard for D to get much of my attention.  So while he slept we painted eggs from her Kiwi Crate, played in the sand table, and had a great time!

Painting cardboard eggs 

Movie star

Fun with portraits and background blur

D loves to use the hose

So happy


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