
D recently got a bike with training wheels and we've been practicing riding it with the spring weather.  Today we took it to our favorite open lot and took off.  She was doing great ... until going down a slight hill.  She got going fast, panicked, and hit the brakes.  You can imagine what came next - tipping and falling.  B and I waited to see her reaction before acting.  She was upset with some tears.  But she got back on her bike and kept going!  I'm sure this is the first of many spills in our future.

Here's some pictures showing the evolution of wheels in our house.

D's first trike
S's first trike ride while D rides on her own

At the pumpkin patch getting pulled

Rides around the house

S pushing the wagon
D at the ice rink
Big Girl Bike
Riding with Mommy

Mommy giving a kiss to the first bike boo-boo


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