Week 3

I've finished my third week of Momtographie class.  This week I learned about the third ingredient for creating pictures of out AUTO - aperture.  This is part of the camera lens that lets light in.  When you use a low aperture you can achieve bokeh.  That's the blur in the background of photos.  This week our task was to try to take pictures to get that artistic blur.  In these pictures you can see a bit of blur in the background.  Some are better than others in that respect.

I only have the lens that came with my camera and cannot achieve a very low aperture with it.  It's also difficult for me to think about shutter speed, ISO, and aperture all at the same time to get focused subjects and blurry background.  I've always taken photos in AUTO, so being in charge of settings is overwhelming.  When the picture doesn't come out how I want I have to stop and think - is it the light? the ISO? the aperture?  By the time I decide and change the camera the moment is passed and the kids are off the the next thing.  

This coming week is a catch-up week in class.  I'm planning on continuing to practice taking pictures of the kids.  Hopefully I'll be able to find a place to take some portrait type photos and work with aperture. I'm loving the class and can see an improvement in the photos ... but it's also challenging!


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