Hopes for 2014

In the Fall of 2013 I found the Abundant Mama Project.  It was an online class and community of moms who wanted to improve how they mother.  They wanted to better to themselves and their families.  The premise was to create peaceful families by being present and playful.  I joined it to discover more about how to keep my cool when things start to go rough during the days.  And I am SOOO glad I did!  Check out www.abundantmama.com to see more about this community and it's leader Shawn Fink.

This year the Peace Circle is running by month and I've decided to continue my journey.  I have many hopes for 2014 that I believe I can more towards because of this community.

1.  Take time for myself during the week.  I'm starting this by learning to knit, something I've wanted to do for a while but never took the time to.

2.  Live by the word we chose for our family "KIND."  I also want to be calm, joyful, and radiate for those around me.

3.  Most of all I want my family to be happy and feel loved all the time!!  Nothing beats the smiles and laughs from B, S, and D each day.  I want to cherish this all year long!

Happy New Year!


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