Outside at Last

After a week of bitter cold, freezing rain, and torrential downpours, today was sunny and warm!  I took advantage of the nice January weather to take the kids outside.  They both desperately needed to get out of the house and into some fresh air.  D has been asking to ride her bike for the last week.  So while B was running on the treadmill we went for a bike ride.

D is doing a great job riding.  She can get started without too much trouble and pedals well.  She's riding faster each time we go out and is mastering steering.  The only problem is her knees are about to hit the handlebars of the bike.  I guess a new bike is in her future.

S wasn't quite as impressed with riding in the tricycle.  He tried to pedal but couldn't quite get it.  I think we'll bust out D's old trike this spring and see how he does.


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