Party 2
We had D's fifth birthday party at a local gym yesterday. She invited her preschool class plus 2 other friends. In total there were 15 kids ... the reason we didn't hold it at home! The theme of the party was princesses and pirates. I was proud of D for choosing both as the theme and thinking about the boys who came. The gym did everything except make the cupcakes! They decorated the snack room with yellow and purple (D's favorite colors) and 5 year old balloons. The kids spent 45 minutes in the gym with a teacher playing games on the equipment and bouncing. A great thing to do since the weather has been so nasty lately! Then they moved to a dance studio for parachute, bubbles, and dancing in the dark with a disco ball. Afterwards they had pizza, juice, and cupcakes for the last 20 minutes. They even provided themed goody bags for the kids!
D and all of her friends had a blast!
D and all of her friends had a blast!
Warm-up jumping
Walk the plank ...
and jump into the ocean
Flying on the high beam
Run and fly like a fairy princess
Parachute time
Dancing, bubbles, and scarves like a princess
Happy Birthday to our BIG girl!
Taking pictures here was a tricky!! There were huge windows with writing on them that made the light uneven. D was moving all of the gym so the lighting changed even more. I'm impressed I managed to stay in manual mode and the photos turned out pretty well I think.
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